250 Box Challenge

9:23 PM, Saturday March 16th 2024

250 Box Challenge - DrawABox - Album on Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/eIQgLB7

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It may not look like much improvement but I sure feel like I've developed a stronger intuition for how an object sits in space, and how to represent it on a page. All the extra mileage with superimposed lines through adding line weight helped a ton with my confidence in executing straight lines.

Thanks in advanced for any feedback!

2 users agree
1:30 AM, Monday March 18th 2024

Hello! I'll be critiquing your exercise

first of all, congratulations on overcoming drawaboxes' first major hurdle! you deserve to feel proud

now, on to the critiques

1) I noticed that you experimented with lots of different box sizes and angles. this is a great practice!

2) some of your converging lines between boxes 150-200 were parallel, which is supposed to be avoided. however, it seems like you understand the main principles.

3) your main point of sturggle seemed to be getting the back edge/corner right, as everything else seemed to line up well towards the end. this is a common point of struggle, and you'll certainly get better know that you've had this much practice

despite what you said, I think your improvement in this exercise is very clearly seen. I hope you keep my pointers in mind as you practice for warm ups.

Next Steps:

Take a break. When you're ready, move on to Lesson 2.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
1:33 AM, Monday March 18th 2024

Sorry, I accidentally pressed 'request revisions' instead of mark as complete.

please reply to the above message so that I can mark it as complete (you can reply with anything).

Once again, really sorry about this!

5:11 AM, Tuesday March 19th 2024

Thanks for the feedback! I would definitely agree that I'm still struggling with back corners, but from what I understand that is somewhat of a distraction so I think I'm okay to not focus on it too much at this point in my journey. Also, now that you've pointed it out, I can see how my lines on boxes with shallow foreshortening don't converge quite enough, and I'll keep that in mind as I continue to practice.

Thanks again for the quick reply!

12:11 PM, Tuesday March 19th 2024

Yes, the problem with back corners will definitely improve as you keep practicing. Good luck on your drawing journey!

Next Steps:

Move on to Lesson 2

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
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