Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction

11:38 AM, Monday January 8th 2024

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I wanted to punch a wall on every other exercise in this lesson but I finished it.

2 users agree
9:27 PM, Tuesday January 16th 2024
edited at 9:32 PM, Jan 16th 2024

Hi Gyanyu. My name is Finch and I will critique your lesson 2 submission today.

Thinking in 3D

2 pages of organic arrows: Nice, clean arrows but the perspective can be pushed further. Your arrows don't converge enough, try to make them smaller when they go further into the scene: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/perspective

2 pages of organic forms with contour lines: Your sausages are well drawn and the ellipses and contour follow the form nicely. The only thing I suggest is to make the change in degrees more noticeable, this means that the contours and ellipses become wider when you reach the end of a sausage. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/5/degree https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/368871002584907776/867744968432549928/QTEqgJa_1.png?

Texture and Detail

1 page of texture analysis: These look good, you understand what the exercise is about and carefully analyzed the textures. You could probably try to go for more implicity next time, a good rule of thumb is to omit anything that has to be drawn in one line, and to not use lines, but really thin shadow shapes (https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/368871002584907776/1013880790838423623/unknown.png?). https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/2/implicitexplicit

2 pages of dissections: Once again, your sausages are well drawn. One point here is that your textures tend to lay flat instead of wrapping around the form, best seen with the bricks. This might happen because students get really caught up in rendering the texture itself, that they forget to follow the form. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/7/curvature


4 pages of form intersections: Nice intersections, you drew the forms very well. Some of your pyramids and cones tend to be a bit stretched, try to aim for a shallow perspective when drawing intersections. Having all of the forms in the same perspective makes the scene cohesive, since it gives the effect that your forms are all the same size and at in the same space. When doing this exercise as a warm-up, I also suggest that you make the forms intersect even more, since most of your forms tend to intersect at the edges in your submission.

2 pages of organic intersections: Your initial sausages are good, but I do notice two mistakes: Laying in sausages parallel and shadows sticking to forms. Laying sausages in cross-wise (in opposite directions) makes the drawing more believable, since parallel sausages would easily roll off of each other. Drawing the sausages in opposite directions also makes it easier for you, since it allows you to focus more on how the sausages wrap around each other. https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/9/parallel

Your sausage shadows tend to be separate from the forms that they lay on. Due to sausages being a rounded form, the shadows will warp along with the form, stretching it out when the sausage starts to curve towards the sides. Unfortunately, this isn't illustrated in the example homework yet, but the red outline in this section of the exercise shows it quite well: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/9/shadows. Here's one of my pages of the organic intersection exercise, the top sausages show what I am trying to describe, note the shadows curving along the sausage: https://drive.google.com/file/d/191i3p8mUsFD3h6iQ2mC6WzhE1I7I898A/view

Two other notes

Drawabox can be frustrating indeed, it's designed to be a hard course and I definitely understand your feeling of punching a wall on lesson 2. That's why it's important to take frequent short breaks to stretch, walk around or just clear your mind a bit. I can tell you from personal experience that drawing while you're stressed or frustrated usually makes a drawing not reach it's potential, so being too stressed about something can actually give you the opposite result of what you want.

I also noticed that you added some other drawings, and my best guess is that you did this for the 50% rule. They're really nice drawings (I like the bugs and character concept in particular!) but you're probably better off posting them on your sketchbook and referring back to them in your next submission, since there's a chance that people might think that you meant to post them in your sketchbook instead of homework, and you might miss out on potential critiques.

Your submission is very good and you understand most of the exercises well, but I will request that you draw two more sausages like in the organic intersections exercise. Lay one of the sausages cross-wise on the other and try to make the shadow of that sausage follow the form. Good luck and let me know if anything's unclear. Remember to add the exercises from this lesson to your pool of warm-up exercises

discord images are from DIO and a deleted user on the DaB discord

edited at 9:32 PM, Jan 16th 2024
7:16 AM, Thursday January 18th 2024

Hi! Thank you for your critique it was very helpful. Other drawings were supposed to be for 50% rule I am sorry if I cause any confusion.

Revision you requested: https://imgur.com/a/0iYx30L

Also I wanted to ask a question regarding texture.While doing texture exercise I found it difficult to find what to focus on, I know i need to focus on cast shadows and I know what they are but some reference images I found didn't have them.What am I supposed to do in those situations?. References: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/38913984272010064/ ; https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/15481192462056535/;

I think thats why I didn't rotate form enough in my dissection exercise because I was so focus on texture.

5:32 PM, Sunday January 21st 2024

Hi! I would personally suggest to find some different textures if you're unsure if something is a cast or a form shadow. Both of the references seem to be lit in the front which makes cast shadows very small. Here's some pinterest boards with more ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/rybar/drawaboxcom-interesting-textures/ https://www.pinterest.com/bekahgrace19/drawabox-textures/

Good job on the revision! The sausage lays on top nicely, and the shadow is well defined now.

I think that you're ready to move on to lesson 3, good luck and have a nice day!

6:25 AM, Monday January 22nd 2024

Great,thank you!

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