2 users agree
2:55 PM, Thursday April 18th 2024

hello, ill be critiquing your homework today!

organic arrows- ok, although the arrow heads are a bit wonky. try to place dots and use the tracing method the next time you practice it.

contour ellipses- ok, although in some places the ellipses randomly change width. also, in my opinion you placed too many ellipses-- only place the ellipse where there actually is a change in contour

contour lines- ok. in some places there are too many lines

texture analysis- missing!

dissections- ok. textures wrap around nicely

form intersections- ok

organic intersections- ok

overall you did a good job. However I cannot mark it as complete until I see the texture analysis. this is really important as it builds skills of observation, and is the basis of the 25 texture challenge.

Next Steps:

Submit Texture Analysis

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
6:51 PM, Friday April 19th 2024
edited at 7:31 PM, Apr 19th 2024

Thank you for the feedback! I did texture analysis but forgot to add it to the post! Or maybe Imgur ate it >< I updated the post!

edited at 7:31 PM, Apr 19th 2024
8:39 PM, Sunday April 21st 2024

great! your texture analysis is ok.

Next Steps:

Take a break, move on to Lesson 3.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
3:25 PM, Monday April 22nd 2024

thank you! to the next lesson I go! B)

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