250 Box Challenge

6:27 PM, Saturday March 2nd 2024

250 boxes (12 Nov 2023 - 2 March 2024) - Album on Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/VkoALa3

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This is the full submission! The site got wrong (old) album title from imgur. Sorry for smudges: I couldn't figure out how much time gel pens need to dry. I used white on technical lines and when I made too many dots so it became confusing. Also you probably can see some pencil marks: I used it for technical notes like boxes numbering.

2 users agree
10:35 AM, Sunday March 3rd 2024

Hi Cyberkitty, Congratulations on getting through the 250 box challenge. Here are some things you did good as well as some points of improvement:

  • Your linework looks fine. There is a bit of uncertainty throughout with the occasional wobbly/arching lines. Keep this in mind and keep practicing straight and confident lines and you'll be fine.

  • Hatching lines undershoot their bounds in the first pages but after that they look good.

  • Similarly you start off making some perspective mistakes but they decrease as you progress. In the last few pages the only consistent mistakes are the back lines which are off. This is very common and with practice even these should disappear. For some people it helps to change the order in which you draw a box as described in this guide.

  • There is a nice variety in the size and proportion of your boxes. However the orientation of all your boxes is very similar and it would be good to experiment with this as well. You can look at this example as reference.

Overall very nice work. Good luck with lesson 2

Next Steps:

  • Continue with lesson 2
This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
5:16 PM, Sunday March 3rd 2024

Huge thank you!!!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

The Art of Blizzard Entertainment

While I have a massive library of non-instructional art books I've collected over the years, there's only a handful that are actually important to me. This is one of them - so much so that I jammed my copy into my overstuffed backpack when flying back from my parents' house just so I could have it at my apartment. My back's been sore for a week.

The reason I hold this book in such high esteem is because of how it puts the relatively new field of game art into perspective, showing how concept art really just started off as crude sketches intended to communicate ideas to storytellers, designers and 3D modelers. How all of this focus on beautiful illustrations is really secondary to the core of a concept artist's job. A real eye-opener.

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