Lesson 3: Applying Construction to Plants

4:17 PM, Thursday January 13th 2022

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Post with 42 views. DrawABox Lesson 3 Homework Submission

Here I am back again with my next set of homework, best offered critique would be very appreciated, thanks!

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7:08 PM, Saturday January 15th 2022

Hello I’ll be taking a look at your lesson 3 homework

-Starting with the organic arrows section, they look very confidently drawn but I want to draw your attention to a number of things.

-When adding the hatching lines to the twisting parts, make sure that each line extends from edge to edge, try not to overshoot it, if you can help it try to err on the side of undershooting. The lineweight shows some problems too, so it's best to have it overlapping, and take your time when applying it.

  • Make sure that as the ribbon moves closer to use the width has to increase, and as it moves further away it has to decrease.

-The negative space (space between the zigzagging sections of the ribbon) follows the same exact principle. It is clearly shown here.

So in general you want your arrows to look like the ones shown in this informal demo

-Moving on to the leaves, they are looking fine. but when adding the little bumps and cuts I think you went on autopilot, so look at your reference and try to draw each mark according to what you see. But most importantly respect each step of the construction, once you have defined the edges of the leaf you don’t want to add any more details outside of the boundaries you have set. Take some time to study this informal demos about complex leaf structures

-In the branches you are doing a good job extending the lines halfway to the next ellipse, you still have some visible ends so keep aiming to achieve smoother transitions.

  • Make sure you are cognizant of the degree shifts of each ellipse, I think you have kept them in mind but take more time to consider and ghost your marks so you can get better results

Well let’s move on to the plant constructions

-The most important thing to keep in mind during these exercises is the flow line, this is the most important mark because it precedes any more complex details, it may look simple to draw but you have to plan them carefully. That said, make sure that each of your petals and leaves end right where the flow line ends, you want to set a very specific and tight relationship between the more simple stages of construction to the more complex ones.

-Taking a look at this drawing do not leave any arbitrary gaps or empty space between each step of the construction, again we are looking for tight and specific relationships, at the end of the day you may stray away from what your reference tells you, but it does not matter.

-When building any cylindrical structure, make sure you align them to a minor axis, do not rely on eyeballing on guesswork, simple as the pot in this reference may look, you don’t want to skip steps of the construction.

So I'll have you do some revisions but take these things I'm going to mention you into account.

1.Draw one thing at a time, and focus on every single mark. Use the ghosting method to ensure that you're considering what each mark's purpose is, and how you're going to achieve it best. You don't have to complete a single drawing, or a single page, in one sitting, or even one day. You can take as long, as many days as you need to complete just one drawing. What matters is that you execute the work to the best of your current ability

Next Steps:

Okay so I'll have you do some revisions.

-1 page of the arrows exercise

-1 page of leaves

-2 more plant constructions, don't go past the constructional phase for these ones.

I look forward to seeing your work good luck.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
12:01 AM, Tuesday January 18th 2022

Thank you so much for the advice given, Here, these are my attempts at revising the work I've done. Thanks in advance!

1:40 AM, Tuesday January 18th 2022
edited at 1:41 AM, Jan 18th 2022

Okay, so we are not quite there yet, there are still a number of things to work on.

-First of all, make sure that each one of the leaf edges ends right where the flow line ends. do not leave any gaps in the leaf, respect each step of the construction,Always remember that construction really relies heavily on how tightly bound each step is to the one before it. This is how we're able to take the solidity that comes from simplicity in those first stages, and carry it forward even as the overall complexity of the structure increases. So, keep an eye on cases where you leave arbitrary gaps between phases of construction - for instance, on this page, each flow line governs where the edges of the leaf should meet.

-All that we are looking for with these exercises is to establish specific relationships between each form and/or details, you want to start from the most simple and gradually build your way up. Do not try to tackle any complexity right at the beginning. Here we are not concerned with matching the reference or having your drawing look exactly like the plant you chose, this is just an exercise in spatial reasoning.

For example here you ignored my advice when I clearly wrote this in the critique:

When building any cylindrical structure, make sure you align them to a minor axis, do not rely on eyeballing on guesswork, simple as the pot in this reference may look, you don’t want to skip steps of the construction

In this drawing, you did not draw any branches, the leaves are just floating there, but if you look at your reference you’ll clearly see the branches, even if they do not appear explicitly you know that they have to be there, they serve as the supporting structure and as such they must be drawn in their entirety.

So they key things that you want to take from this is that you should build from simple to complex, each additional form has to be preceded and supported by a previous structure, there are no arbitrary marks and each line that you put on your page has to be carefully planned.

I dislike being the carrier of bad news but I wont let you move on just yet, I think you are lacking a general understanding of the principles highlighted here, so it would be a good idea to rewatch and read the material on Lesson 3 along with my critiques.

Sorry my work is to help you and I would rather not have you move on to lesson 4 where the overall level of complexity is much greater.

Oh and take your time please, I'll be around here to check your work.

Next Steps:

Do the following

-1 page of leaves

-2 more plant constructions, again no details or texture for these ones. If you have any questions let me know and I'll try to answer before you start your new revisions.

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
edited at 1:41 AM, Jan 18th 2022
5:23 PM, Sunday October 16th 2022

Hello! It's been awhile since our last meeting all the way back and Janurary. A lot of stuff happened in between then and now leading to me without access to my markers, previous pages and paper, but now I'm back to work, I apologize for the 9 months of silence after you assigned my work. Here is the revisions I went and did that you asked for, I hope I managed to take your words to at least any degree and improve in the time I was gone, thank you for taking the time to critique me once more!

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